As we near the end of the semester, I’m proud of my students and how much we’ve learned. It’s a learning journey full of questions, curiosity, discussion and debate. A safe place to learn.
These are 175+ questions that Emory BBA would feel comfortable answering about strategy. Perhaps more importantly, they could explain it simply and answer the follow-up question, “so what?”
Creating and capturing value, Honda
- What’s the difference between willingness-to-pay and price? Why does this matter?
- What is Henry Mintzberg (Managers not MBA author) and what’s his point of view?
- What’s the difference between a learning curve and experience curve? So what?
- What are two competing interpretations of Honda’s early success in the US?
- What are the two ways of increasing profitability?
- If you have lots of fixed costs, what’s the key to increasing profits in the short-term?
Economics and strategy?
- What’s the difference between a shift in demand and quantity demanded at a price X?
- How influences willingness-to-pay (WTP)? Why do marketers care?
- Can you explain “price elasticity of demand” to your cousin?
- What’s the difference between fixed and marginal costs? Why does that matter?
- Which company brought the mobile internet to 300+ million people in the last 5 years?
- Why would an expensive restaurant stay open even though it’s only 1/3 full?
- Why do marginal costs typically spike up dramatically with more production? So what?
- Why might an oil company drill oil at $60/barrel, even though average total cost is $70?
- Can you give me an example of price elasticity of supply, during the Covid-19 crisis?
- In the short-run, higher demand usually comes in _________, not greater supply.
- What are some of the (theoretical) conditions for a perfect market? Why does that matter?
Industry structure
- Does profitability vary much by industry? Why, why not?
- What does this phrase mean” “A strategist’s job is to cope with competition?”
- When we think about competition, who’s included? Just rivals?
- What is the Porter’s 5 forces framework useful for?
- What are 3-4 limitations of this famous framework?
- What are 5-6 elements that would discourage new entrants from entering an industry?
- What does Warren Buffet mean when he says: “economic moat?”
- What are the circumstances where your supplier would have lots of bargaining power?
- How can buyers threaten your potential profitability?
- According to Porter, what are 3 generic strategic positions?
- Why are substitutes so difficult to anticipate? Why does this matter?
- Why isn’t government or technology considered one of the “5 forces?”
- Can more than one company be successful within the same industry? How?
Financial ratios
- Aren’t there hundreds of financial ratios? How to mentally organize them?
- What are potential pitfalls when comparing ratios of different companies?
- What is return on equity (ROE) and why does it matter?
- Is a high ROE always a good thing? Why not?
- Why does the DuPont Method rock?
- What’s the difference between liquidity and solvency ratios?
- How are financial ratios like vital signs for a company?
- What’s the difference between lagging and leading indicators?
- How could unscrupulous managers “fiddle with” earnings?
- What financial and operational ratios might you look at for the airline industry?
- Two shoe companies have the same net margin, but company A has COGS of 60% and B has COGS of 30%; what does that say about their products, marketing, and strategy?
What is strategy?
- Why is operational efficiency different from strategy?
- Why do so many executives, and consultants love “best practices?”
- What’s the limitation with “best practices?” So what?
- How would you explain “strategy” to your cousin?
- What is the productivity frontier? What is the main point?
- How would you describe the airline industry structure in the 1970s?
- Why was Southwest virtuous cycle (set of activities)?
- What happened with other airlines (straddlers) tried to copy Southwest?
- Tell me a little about Herb Kelleher (founder of Southwest). . . amazing.
- Why was SuperCell (gaming company) successful?
- Can you explain the 3 generic strategic positions? (variety, needs, access-based)?
- Why do companies fail to choose / stick with a strategy? Why is strategy difficult?
Beverages industry, Coca Cola
- How are Coca Cola and Pepsi different?
- How does this duopoly not kill each other?
- What is the relationship between Coca Cola and their bottlers?
- Where are the profits in the non-alcoholic beverage value chain?
- What are the major trends in non-alcoholic beverages today?
- What new category is Coca Cola entering? So what?
- What do you think about Coca Cola’s acquisition of Costa coffee? why?
Game theory, General Motors
- How does the analogy of games apply to business?
- What is the prisoner’s dilemma? So what?
- How would you describe the Nash Equilibrium?
- What is a dominant strategy? why does that matter?
- What does it mean to understand your rival’s economics?
- What are some limitations of (or assumptions underlying) game theory?
- What are some ways to improve your “competitive readiness?”
- If you were a banker advising on a competitive bid, what are some questions you would have?
- What are 5 ways to gather competitive / market intelligence?
Resource Based View (RBV)
- What are the 5 characteristics of a “strategically valuable resource?”
- What is the implication of RBV to strategists?
- What are some potential criticisms of the RBV approach?
- What strategic analysis might pair well with RBV?
- What are the strategically valuable resources of Amazon, Walmart, Uber?
Blue Ocean Strategy, Warby Parker
- What is blue ocean strategy? Why does that matter?
- What are the pre-requisites for blue ocean strategy?
- Can incumbents create blue oceans? How?
- Does a blue ocean require technology? So what?
- What criticisms do you have of this methodology?
- Tell me about Warby Parker and their founding story.
- How would you describe Luxottica market position in eyewear?
- Why do you think a “Warby Parker-like” start up did not appear sooner?
- What are some “strategic moves” that Warby Parker used to create a blue ocean?
Vertical integration vs. virtual integration, Dell
- How would you describe vertical integration to your cousin?
- When does it make sense to pursue vertical integration?
- What are the (many) pitfalls of vertical integration? So what?
- In the US, the Dept. of Justice is more wary of horizonal integration, why?
- What were the benefits of Dell’s make-to-order supply chain?
- Why might Amazon cut ties with FedEx?
Big lie of strategic planning, Amazon
- According to Roger Martin (ex-Dean of Rotman), why is strategy a scary thing?
- What is wrong with the typical approach to strategic planning?
- What are the “comfort traps” in strategic planning? How to avoid them?
- What does Bain & Company mean by “strategy as a portfolio of options, not bonds.”
- Does Amazon have a strategy? How would you describe it?
- What does Jeff Bezos mean by “wandering in business is not efficient. . but it’s not random”?
- What does “Day 1” mean to Amazon?
- What is “commander’s intent” and how does it relate to strategy?
Evolution of strategy, Intel
- What is Moore’s law and why does it matter?
- What were Intel’s 2 major strategic inflection points?
- What was Grove’s leadership style? So what?
- What is Intel’s recipe for profits? (will-to-pay, price, cost?)
- Did Intel make any missteps in the past (or currently)?
- How is the semiconductor industry changing?
- Who is TSMC and why does that matter to Intel?
- Difference between sustaining and disruptive innovation?
- What are the misconceptions of disruptive innovation?
- Is Uber disruptive innovation? How?
- Why is disruptive innovation difficult for incumbents?
- What are some criticisms of disruptive innovation?
- How would you explain the technology adoption lifecycle to your cousin?
- What is one approach to “cross the chasm” according to Geoffrey Moore?
- How does innovation differ from the early, mature, late stages of the industry lifecycle?
Founder’s Mentality, Narayana Health
- What is Founder’s Mentality (Bain & Co)?
- What are 3 reasons that scrappy start-ups lose their “founder’s mentality?”
- Who is Dr. Shetty and what is Narayana Heart Hospital?
- How would you describe their clinical operations and processes?
- What are the trade-offs they are making?
- Is Narayana a business or philanthropy?
- How easy is it to copy this business model elsewhere? Go global, why?
Corporate Strategy, General Electric
- What is corporate strategy? How is that different from competitive strategy?
- How does diversification potentially destroy value?
- What are the 3 tests of diversification?
- How can managers “unlock” value from M&A?
- Why do so many mergers & acquisitions fail to add value?
- What is the core competency of Southwest, Coca Cola?
- Can M&A be a core competency (read: BCG report)?
Organizational Design, P&G
- Why does organizational structure even matter?
- Why did P&G organize the US and Europe differently in the 1950s?
- In 1980s, P&G introduced category management, Why?
- Should an organization have some “constructive tension?” Why?
- What is P&G’s SuperBrand strategy? So what?
- Who is Nelson Peltz (activist investor) and his argument against P&G?
- What does A.G. Lafley think of most CEOs’ strategy?
- What is your view on A.G. Lafley’s “winning” perspective?
- What is a decision-driven organization? (MBA jargon?)
Digital Transformation, Goldman Sachs
- How would you describe Goldman Sachs 150 year history?
- Why did the firm’s revenue and income drop in 10 years?
- What did Lloyd Blankfein do to manage this decline?
- Is it a good idea to open Marquee / SIMON to competitors?
- Who is Marty Chavez? Why does that matter?
- How does Chavez distinguish between traders and coders?
- What do you think of Goldman Sach’s entry into consumer loans and credit cards?
- What does Google’s financials tell you?
- What’s the difference between AdWords and AdSense?
- How does a Vickery auction work? Why does it matter?
- What business is Google in? Who do they compete against?
- What is Google’s core competency (resource + capabilities)?
- How does Google encourage innovation?
- What is Google’s corporate strategy?
- What are the greatest challenges facing Google?
Network effects
- What are network effects?
- How is it different from virality?
- Why do you want a business with network effects?
- Are all networks similar? (Facebook vs. Twitter)?
- To what extent do you think food delivery apps have network effects?
- What is Roblox? How would you describe their network effects?
Subscription services
- What is driving the recent increase in subscription services?
- What are the benefits to companies?
- What are the benefits to customers?
- Is a subscription-based business a strategy? Why not?
- What are some key metrics to track with subscription-based business models?
- Why are subscriptions particularly important/effective with B2B purchases?
Digital payments
- What are the different kinds of digital payments and why are they growing?
- What is accelerating the adoption of digital payments in China?
- What is hindering US adoption of Alipay/TenPay/PayTM type digital payments?
- What is the likelihood, ability of US incumbent financial institutions to catch up?
- Are you bullish or bearish on Venmo, why?
- Why is Chase having so much difficulty with Chase Pay?
- If you gave Visa, MC strategy advice, what would it be?
Thanks for sharing these insights with us, John!
These questions are invaluable for a lifelong learner like me who is intrigued by Strategy Consulting. If possible, can you share the solutions to these questions something like a workbook of sort? It would help people like me immensely!
Thanks in Advance.
Thank you for reading. Yes, that would be the class itself. As you might imagine, many of these topics are discussions, debates, with pro/con, and varying perspectives. Don’t really fit in neat box. Separately, I’d be happy to send you my syllabus, so you can see the articles we read, videos we watch. Send me your email to jkstrategy AT consultantsmind.com
I would love to have the syllabus if you don’t mind.
Thanks for sharing, John!
Really helpful and Informative!
Hi John
Can you please send the solutions to these questions.
These are really very hepful.
Hello, unfortunately, that is quite difficult. It’s a semsester’s worth of learning – cases, discussion, debate, written papers. Also, many of the discussion points are open-ended. . . feel free to email me at jkstrategy AT consultantsmind.com if you have a specific topic that I direct more resources to you.